1. During my short attendance at Moore College Or Art and Design. I took a class on digital imaging.
  2. More experience on all programs.

  3. High school and some college.
  4. yes i have a computer at home, no i do not have either of those programs.
  5. Mac.
  6. nope, Art Ed. 
  7. I want to become an Art Professor one day.
  8. Professor.
  9. whenever i am faced with this question i can almost never think of other artists.
  10. i really enjoy Bon Iver
  11. I have been attacked by my cat about 50 times but i can never learn my lesson because i love her so much.
  12. Last night i set my alarm for 6:20, This morning i woke up at 6:40, i washed my face, stubbed my Toe and did not drink any water or eat any breakfast. I am starving, Famished actually! this room, full of computers, makes me forget that i am hungry. So when i leave this chrome infused room i expect hunger to crash over me like a wave. I don't know what is worse...Forgetting to eat or just knowing you are hungry and not having time to eat. Always make time to eat people. or you will be like me at exactly 10:03.
  13.  jon snow.


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